Barion Targets

Ad targeting, smarter

Spend less on ads by focusing on your target audience. Use Barion Targets and implement programmatic ad campaigns using hard data.

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From raw data to clear target audiences

Increase the efficiency of your ads with tailor-made, AI-generated target groups. We form intent- and interest-based segments via machine learning algorithms and Natural Language Processing(NLP).

Immense data pool

Barion integrates Barion Pixel in more than 8000 e-shops, and we process thousands of events (product view, cart actions, payments, searches, etc.) per minute. This data is cleaned and processed to create precise segments for programmatic ads.

We only use data from stores and transactions in which the partner and the user explicitly granted permission for us to do so.

Barion Targets > Google Audiences

Get better prices and ROI than with Google Audiences – that's right, Barion Targets has a proven track record of beating the competition's solutions on the regular.

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Powered by data science

We collect huge amounts of data every day through Barion Pixel, and we sort this data into segments using our machine learning algorithm. These data segments are imported into our partner DMP (Data Management Platform), and can be synchronized into your DMP for processing or sent straight to DSPs (Demand Side Platform) to easily start your targeted ad campaigns.